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Dear Creator 7 days without a laptop and why the name

When laptop life is sans laptop…

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‘Dear Creator’ a newsletter series
Dear Creator 
I've been without my laptop for the last 7 days 😳 and yes that was my face when the Apple advisor told me that this was going to be the case.
I could feel the panic rising as I manically attempted to think through how I would be able to work without the one-and-only tool I rely on to do my creative work.
The panic was of course unfounded, meetings and client calls still went ahead, the Root & Rise Voxer Days are phone friendly, Thursday's session was a glorious in-person affair and my love for pen and paper was resurrected. 
It was an instant simplifer as anything that couldn’t get done via my phone was parked.
What I forgot momentarily was that whilst we all give attention and accolade to the tools of our trade, the most important element of all, is us.
You are the one who brings the creative expression, energy, ideas and vision yet the things that keep you fed, fuelled and flourishing in order to generate that creative work often get sidelined.
Just some of the things that are more important than the tools are…
  • Your environment
  • The support you have in place
  • Your energy and vitality
  • How well you feel
  • Inspiration (preferably away from the internet ; ))
  • Time spent in nature
My re-focus was enforced this week and in hindsight I'm actually grateful for it. What is on your list for the things that help YOU to be fuelled and flourish?

Why ‘Dear Creator’? 
I know the word Creator is used a lot to refer to social media influencers or digital content creators and whilst I'm throwing no shade at those definitions. The meaning I'm working with in the title 'Creator' is different. 
So why ‘Dear Creator?’ Well, the short answer is that the name chose me. 
It just kept coming back round, I liked the feeling it gave me and so I went with it which is the way I make a lot of decisions. Feeling my way around them before coming to a conclusion. 
When I refer to 'Creator' it is a chunked ALL the way up definition and the purpose is based on a multifaceted layer cake of reminders. 
Yep reminders. And I’m sharing those with you today to help you remember your magic. 
Reminder 1:
You literally create things everyday. From experiences, offerings, impact, connection, the list goes on. You are creating and your ability to do that means that you are contributing and making a difference. 
AND you have the ability to do that over and over again in an infinite number of ways. 
Please know this isn't always about what you produce for a monetary exchange. Some days that contribution looks like doing what you do and being who you are for the people you love and care for and most importantly for yourself. 
You bring into existence things that didn't previously exist. You give them life. 
Reminder 2:
You aren't doing this alone. You are co-creating with whatever higher entity you subscribe to. I invite you to remember and reconnect to this often. Whether that's by way of returning to the origins of the calling that has led you to where you are now, reacquainting with your why or simply getting still and listening to your inner voice.
If you want a visceral reminder of co-creation, look to nature, its one of our best teachers in showing us that we are part of something way bigger. Seek practices which root & reconnect you in this knowing of co-creation.
You don’t need to and aren’t doing this solo, you are a part of something bigger. 
Reminder 3:
Viewing yourself as you are. As you really are. 
Often a question that coaches ask is 'Who do you need to be?' and whilst that is helpful. For me, there's a whole step before which is 'How are you viewing yourself in this moment?'
As a creator you are the author, architect, pioneer, maker, designer, inventor and innovator. This is who you are and acknowledging it has a very real influence on how you view yourself and once you've been able to spend time on this self-concept you can then gently move to ‘Who do I need to be?’.  
Less of a quantum leap and more of a steady and sustainable step-change in thinking of how you see yourself. 
See yourself as you actually are, free from the shoulds, the societal expectations and internal and external nay-saying. 
So there it is. Within such a seemingly unassuming title of 'Dear Creator', I'm intentionally calling on you to remember, reclaim and reignite all of this as part of who you are in your work and calling on you to embrace it and use it as a source of your power.
And I’ll be helping you along the way. 
2 words, fuelled with intention and big power. 
'Dear Creator' 
What I've been up to…
Creating… a regular journalling practice. I've always been an avid journaller but I've been integrating it into my routine in a deeper way. An imperfect version of Morning Pages is where I'm at. 
Watching…I finished Top Boy and my central nervous system was in bits throughout the entire series. Its very glad that we will now be moving onto Bridgerton! 
Listening… to  this podcast which breaks down the Human Design Types/Auras beautifully in their ‘Deep Dive’ episodes. 
Experiencing… an experiment to live by my Human Design for the next few months (I'm a 6:2 Manifestor BTW) and see what happens. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.  
Wishing you a nourishing week ahead. 
Sending love,
Nicola X x 
P.S - I’m opening up a limited number of spots to work with me 121 in my Pure Coaching + Creative Strategy Experience. Pop me an email if you're interested. 
P.P.S - If you’re thinking about embarking on becoming an ICF Certified Coach then there's a Positive Psychology Taster Session happening on Thursday, I use Positive Psychology a lot in my coaching practice and I'm excited for you to learn more. Head this way to sign-up

Thanks for being here!

I'm Nicola Rae-Wickham and I coach, write and teach for a living. My approach is values-led and compassion-centered and I coach the whole person rather than the problem. My body of work inspires, guides and supports big-hearted creatives and purpose-driven humans to let go of perfection and performing so they can speak-up and show-up with heart. I believe coaching should be for the many and not the few and my work spans the spectrum of working with individuals and organisations united by social mission. 
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