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Dear Creator I hit rock bottom

What a couple of weeks it has been!

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‘Dear Creator’ a newsletter series
Dear Creator 
Wow wee what a couple of weeks it has been! Over the Easter Holidays the kids and I came down with the worst bug we have EVER had. Even after 4 Negative Later Flow Tests, I am still convinced it was Covid as it felt worse than when I officially had it last summer. 
Its only today, a good 3 weeks later that I am starting to feel like myself again and the lingering motion sickness has finally gone. 
Given the personal happenings I have going on at the moment and being so unwell whilst looking after equally unwell kids, I truly hit rock bottom. 
AND I survived. 
AND I feel stronger for it. 
Isn't it funny the way it works like that. We can spend so much time running in and out of the fear of reaching rock bottom and whilst it is hell on earth, we make it through. The biggest, most helpful realisation for me was that I'm still here, still standing (and sitting) and still alive. 
And what rock bottom did for me was to descent me into my body and force me to listen to my own voice. 
Bringing forth something deeper, steeped in knowing, calling me to caretake my needs better, explore my edges, re-find joy and create a path for a more aligned way forward. 
All of this sounds great right but I'm not going to sugarcoat it. The process is hard, the lessons are painful AF and the growth is messy, yet the impact it provides is undeniably immense and life-changing. It's the work of becoming more of one self. 
Wherever you are and however these words are meeting you. I am sending you so much love from heart to yours. And I mean that. 
What I've been up to?
I'm committed to beating the drum of work happening outside of the squares because whilst social media is of course a great marketing tool, it also paints a particular picture of what it means to work. 

Having previously bought into the ‘if it’s not on the gram’ mentality. Over the last 18 months I’ve been ‘reimagining visibility’, instigated by necessity rather than any big plan.
I'm finally coming out the other side and gently moving through it with support. No woman is an island! 

We get a very one-dimensional view of what this work looks like governed by the highlight reels and boxes that the channels of social media squeezes us into.

Which then sets the precedent and creates the paradigm that we create within.

I’m here for shifting this and presenting differing perspectives for myself and others.
And so here is an update on some the things I've been up to work-wise…
- I'm now one of the @AllBright Career Coaches which I am very excited about. AllBright is a brand that very much aligns with me and this opportunity is straight from my vision board. 
- Many of you will know I did some additional coach training back in 2020 to become an ICF Accredited Coach (ACC), it was one of the best professional decisions I've made for my development and I've now become one of the Optimus Coach Academy Trainers! I train on both the Professional Coaching Diploma and also Leader as Coach which is a corporate offering. I absolutely adore supporting the students and working with Optimus to deliver their outstanding training where we are producing an amazing calibre of coaches and literally changing the industry. 

- I'm the Resident Life Coach for the @d_and_ad The Shift Programme. This project makes me heart sing. Literally. Getting to work with talented young creatives in this way has allowed me to be who I needed when I was first entering the industry coughs 20 years ago! 
- I also still have a small number of Private 121 clients that I work with but have scaled that back quite a bit for this year because work has needed to fit my life in a way it never has before. I have 2 openings for 121 clients so if your interested let me know
- Root & Rise is my membership for big-hearted creatives and I've been serving the amazing humans in that community with Journalling Gatherings, Voxer Days and Coaching Calls. I also have some changes in mind for it so I've been low-key working on bringing those ideas to life. You can join the waitlist here
What's coming? 
- So in addition to the above, I'm looking to make changes to the Root & Rise offering. I have an idea which really does disrupt the way coaching is currently delivered and allows me to step into my mission of ‘Personal Development for the many and not the few’ in a bigger way. I'm still working it up but will share soon! 
- In-person VIP days at AllBright. I LOVE getting to be in-real-life with people, there is nothing better than face-to-face connection and so I'm introducing Creative Coaching & Strategy VIP Days. We'll meet at AllBright in London and spend the day together, helping you to unravel and re-connect. The beautiful thing about the VIP days is that it is all about you, intensively and you'll find what we can get done in a day would have taken months otherwise. We'll have a lovely lunch and you'll leave feeling energised and emboldened, clear on your next steps and galvanised on your mission and how you get there. If you are interested then get in touch
Sending love,
Nicola X x 
P.S - If you’re thinking about embarking on becoming an ICF Certified Coach then there's a Positive Psychology Taster Session happening TONIGHT! I use Positive Psychology a lot in my coaching practice and I'm excited for you to learn more. Head this way to sign-up

Thanks for being here!

I'm Nicola Rae-Wickham and I coach, write and teach for a living. My approach is values-led and compassion-centered and I coach the whole person rather than the problem. My body of work inspires, guides and supports big-hearted creatives and purpose-driven humans to let go of perfection and performing so they can speak-up and show-up with heart. I believe coaching should be for the many and not the few and my work spans the spectrum of working with individuals and organisations united by social mission. 
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