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Dear Creator 'Not everything needs to be shared'

It was a beautiful moment and....

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‘Dear Creator’ a newsletter series

Dear Creator 
It was a beautiful moment.
Safely settled in a hot bath, candle light flickering, overseen by the Virgo full moon streaming through the window, CBD bath bomb fizzing, CBD drink in hand (yes I'm loving CBD at the moment) .
And what did a part of me want to do? 
Bloody well pick-up my phone to snap a pic and share this moment.
The urge to share was coming from the following thoughts and feelings.
'If its really such a great moment, it needs to be shared.'
'Did it really happen if I don't share it.'
Oomph and now for the vulnerable share... 
'How many hearts and likes will this get me and what picture does this paint of my existence'.  
In the end I choose not to share and it was a declaration in action to myself in keeping that moment for me. Deeming it worthy because I was experiencing and not seeking worthiness in the sharing of the experience or learning. 
I've been on a journey over the last 12 months or so of reimagining visibility and it continues. 
I've always said there is content in the everyday and I stick by that.
I've always said that this doesn't mean we need to share the kitchen sink and I stick by that too.  
And now there's the 2022 version which has more vim and we can look to for further clarity especially as I notice people feeling the weight of sharing and showing-up on social media. 
Maybe you've felt that the ways which had served you before are no longer serving in quite the same way. I've certainly found that the rate at which I used to share with ease and joy now feels like a chore.
Many of us have teetered with burn-out type feelings due to the fatigue of the pandemic and the exhaustion of how hard things have been and continue to be globally, locally and personally.
In holding all this the word I want to offer you is ‘discernment’. 
You get to decide not only what you share but how you share.
And that is allowed to change.
Look to your energy as a guide in helping you to be discerning. Your energy comes first. It's why in the Root & Rise Coaching Subscription there is a foundational course called SOUL which includes a whole section devoted to ‘Empowering Your Energy’.
This isn't simply a case of using a barometer based on feeing good, we go deeper than this. 
I’ve spoken about ‘nourishment’ in these ‘Dear Creator’ letters and the notion that what nourishes is not always what feels or tastes or sounds good at the time but instead what is good for you. 
Starting with bringing your attention and intention to what energises you and what depletes you is a great place to begin and then looking at the nuances of what lies behind that is where the magic is.
Is there some push pull happening?
What would help you to feel safe?
What season of life are you in and how does that impact what you need?
Is this about increasing your tolerance for stretchy uncomfortable feelings and what needs to support your energy to do this?
All of this helps you to find the sweet spot of working for you and the heartbeats you seek to serve. 
And that 'Dear Creator' has the capacity to change everything.  
From social media to your offerings, to how you work, where you work, how you live and who you are. The ways in which you choose to build the blocks that make up your existence .
My vision is for you to show-up with heart for others and yourself, courageously creating and experiencing a wildly wholehearted way of working and living.
Your energy is integral to that. 

What I've been up to…
Creating… a beautifully soft, brave and much-needed space by hosting the first Root & Rise call for Black, Brown and Asian women. 
Watching…Top Boy and The Principles of Pleasure, both on Netflix. 
Reading… I've not read any books this week but have enjoyed this article How Black women in ballet have helped me find my stride
and this author interview
Listening… to Drake. A lot.  
Experiencing… I went to this exhibition yesterday and it was wonderful.
Wishing you a nourishing week ahead. 
Sending love,
Nicola X x 
P.S - I’m opening up a limited number of spots to work with me 121 in my Pure Coaching + Creative Strategy Experience. Pop me an email if you're interested. 
P.P.S - If you’re thinking about embarking on becoming an ICF Certified Coach then head this way. 

Thanks for being here!

I'm Nicola Rae-Wickham and I coach, write and teach for a living. My approach is values-led and compassion-centered and I coach the whole person rather than the problem. My body of work inspires, guides and supports big-hearted creatives and purpose-driven humans to let go of perfection and performing so they can speak-up and show-up with heart. I believe coaching should be for the many and not the few and my work spans the spectrum of working with individuals and organisations united by social mission. 
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