I used to be in a love and hate relationship with the Coaching industry, simultaneously loving and loathing it.
Angered by the unethical practices that are murky AF and way too common.
Triggered by the heavy and psychologically damaging sales tactics.
Annoyed by the way the status quo dominates and how it is white supremacy and patriarchy played out and wearing a different outfit.
Fucked off by the replication of traditional power dynamics.
In awe at the way it can make people's lives better and change people's everyday experience when done right.
Finding joy in seeing people realise who they are and step into their power.
Grateful for the tools that help to facilitate the unlearning of societal conditioning and how to navigate it.
Galvanised at seeing the creativity, innovation and heart that people are giving in truly seeing, hearing and understanding others.
Then last year I embarked on some additional coach training to get my full ICF accreditation, something that I'd been wanting to do for a while and was really important to me.
Through the process my thoughts changed and allowed me to focus less on the industry and more on what I bring as a practitioner and double-down on the art, craft and heart of it in my own way.
This has birthed a values-led and compassion-centered methodology rooted in Neuroscience, Positive Psychology and Transactional Analysis. It has influenced my entire coaching practice from the inside out.
There is so much magic within these numbers...
👉🏾 125 hours of live teaching
👉🏾 Over 100 hours of coaching logged
👉🏾 6 Assessed Recordings
👉🏾 7 hours of group mentoring
👉🏾 3 hours of 121 mentoring
👉🏾 3 hour Coaching Knowledge Assessment
👉🏾 1 live coaching assessment
...and part of this was in a pandemic with a 1 year old and 7 year old at home. Not that I'm recommending that part at all 🤪.
Now for the next milestone which is working towards PCC level and getting those 500 coaching hours in!
In fact, this morning I've had a session with my coach who was a peer on the coaching training. Its not business coaching I'm doing with her, its life coaching in the truest sense.
I started today's session with a reflection that I'm seeing myself at the centre in a way I never have before and there's an invitation to gently explore which will inevitably have a ripple effect far beyond what I can imagine right now.
If you're interested in becoming an accredited coach, the Optimus free Coaching Week Experience is taking place w/c 21 November and you can
sign-up here as well as find out more about the complimentary
support package I offer to those who sign-up through me. Its a great way to get a feel for the programme in helping you make your decision.
Sending love,