Hey love,
Raise your hand if there is a part of you that thinks creativity can only happen when you’re in flow, when you're feeling it or when you're in the zone???
Maybe you’ve left corporate life to be able to have the freedom to nurture your creativity as you build your brand and so the idea of structure takes you back to a place and a way of doing things you wanted to leave behind.
And the result is that meaningful planning of your meaningful work tends to fall by the wayside too.
Yet I have to tell you that creativity loves structure.
It loves to have a container, a space and even dare I say it boundaries. Structure doesn’t have to restrictive or boring and it takes nothing away from our ability to flex that creative muscle. Instead it can be freeing and soul-filling.
Structure gives creativity the chance to breathe and lets get real, a chance to exist. In the absence of it, creativity doesn’t even have the opportunity to see the light of day.
If you find yourself struggling to make time to be creative or that it just isn’t coming to you in the way it used to or maybe its not how you thought it would be when you took the leap to being a one-woman band. My big tip is to embrace a structure and see what happens.
And I'm not talking about any kind of structure. If any of the above resonated with you then taking a seasonal and soulful approach to your planning can be a game-changer.
We all have a lot going on. Especially now. Life in a pandemic needs compassion and business in a pandemic needs planning. Planning in a way that allows you to be compassion with yourself, tune into where you are and doing the inner work alongside your planning so that what you create is truly aligned.
It means that you change the energy from pushing to receiving.
I'm not going to sit here and suggest it takes away the work which is sometimes hard, it means you won't be existing in never-ending hard work. Instead, you won't be making it unnecessarily harder than it needs to be in the way that fighting with yourself and your natural rhythm tends to do.
I’m here for your creativity.
I believe creativity is what is going to make the difference in the world.
Give it the structure it deserves and allow it to flourish.
Seasonal planning gives you and your creativity space to breathe.
I'm hosting a Seasonal Planning Workshop on Wednesday 27th January. It’s FREE for Root + Rise Members so you can buy it as a standalone workshop or join the Collective and get it alongside a whole host of fab content, guidance and support.