Hey love,
Yesterday I had such a strong desire for normality, I would have given anything for a family trip to Westfield with a Wagamamas for dinner followed by a SNOG natural yoghurt dessert and a browse around the shops. You know just the stuff of Sunday's pre-pandemic, things that felt like such an ordinary activity which now feel extraordinary.
Someone get this woman a Katsu Curry!!! 😂
I'm diving into your inbox today to talk about planning and I know I might 'seem' like I am a month behind everyone else but is it really behind or just different?
I say different, as this is the idea of following a pattern that feels more in line with ‘you’ rather than what an external promotional calendar tells us ‘should’ happen.
Some of you weren't ready to plan in December when everybody else was OR maybe you did and now you're not simply feeling it.
Planning on your own can be hard but as a deep thinkers and feelers aka big- hearted creatives we are great at considering all of the options but can also be prone to overthinking everything, which leads you to a place of NOT actually doing the plan or ONLY doing the plan.
Sound familiar?
And of course I have to address the elephant in the room that planning in 2021 can feel like a huge headache, things changing at the last minute childcare being whipped away at a moment's notice, more time than you expected or less time, in person becoming online, suppliers, shipping times, rules, tiers I could go on…and what this needs is not more of the same but instead a different approach.
An approach that puts you in the heart and centre and considers you in a way that you may never have before.
A way that productivity-driven conditioning has never allowed for before.
I call it ‘Seasonal planning’ and its a way of planning that aligns with…
- Who you are
- Where you're (really) at and
- Where you want to be.
It's all about bridging the gap in small steps reframing consistency into rhythm, changing your relationship with fear, leading with your values and being realistic about time pressures and what life looks like for you so that your desires, your goals and your energy are aligned with your plan.
This is not about bypassing where we are in the world it is about refocusing your mind and gently guiding you to stay within the realms of what you can control whilst helping you to remain flexible and adaptable, as is required by these current times.
This is the whole idea behind the Seasonal Planning Workshop I'm hosting for Root + Rise Members on Wednesday 27th January.
In this 90 minute workshop you’ll….
- Learn what is means so plan seasonally and how you can make it work for you.
- Get clear on your vision for your meaningful work and what that looks like for you in 2021
- Find your rhythm rather than forcing yourself into arbitrary calendars.
- Gain clarity on what you want to achieve.
- Cultivate aligned goals.
- Create a clear action plan based on the small steps that lead to the big shifts.
You can buy the standalone workshop here or join the Root + Rise Membership Collective and get it for FREE.
If you join the Membership, you will also get access to all of the past content as well as support within the Collective to see your plan out.
Remember you do not have to do this on your own!
Sending love,