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The one thing about finding your voice that no-one wants to hear…

Whenever I'm interviewed one of the questions I get asked the most is ‘how do I recommend people go about finding their voice’

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Hi Love, 


How are you? 6 weeks into lockdown and at least its February, right? I don't know about you but January was looonnngg. 


Whenever I'm interviewed one of the questions I get asked the most is ‘how do I recommend people go about finding their voice?’ and my answer is something I know people don't want to hear…'you find your voice by using it'. 


And what is most interesting to me is at the root of the annoyance at my reply is the misplaced assumption of what it ‘should’ look like to find, use and amplify your voice. 


Finding your voice isn't linear and it never really ends.⁣

There are always levels, depths and room for what you have to say to elevate.⁣

Finding your voice, speaking your truth, owning your magic and shining your light is all part of journeying into more of yourself.⁣

And yes there are systems in place for all of us that do not want us to do this.⁣

Because when you are being yourself, when you are dipping down into your heart and speaking and acting from THAT place, you are powerFULL. 

This is when you are creating real change. In whatever field you work in, with whatever work you are called to do and whatever impact you want to make.⁣

And this is not an overnight thing and nor does it need to be. Small steps in leaning into your voice, are the building blocks.⁣

You don’t find voice by accident, its not something you stumble across. Instead it comes from being intentional. Note I said intentional and not overthinking or over analysing.⁣

Your voice will be the vehicle that delivers you whatever dreams and desires you have but it requires clarity, care, attention and intention in order to support you and you need an action plan to help bring this together. ⁣

Finding your voice, showing-up authentically and being yourself requires courage especially when you have spent most of life doing your best to fit in, to code switch, to edit, conform and be who you believed other people needed you to be.⁣

This decision to show-up in a different way takes conscious awareness, inspired action and support.⁣

It isn’t going to happen by fluke but it will happen with intention.⁣


And one of the ways to find your voice is to use it. 


Its why I love podcasting so much. Picking up a mic or hitting the voice memo app and talking. 


The very act of using your voice repeatedly is how you find it and amplify it. Episode after episode, conversation after conversation, 


One of the highlights of the long month of January was winning an award, the Dream and Do Podcast is now award-winning as it won a Podcasting for Business Award


If you want to listen to the podcast you can on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and all places where podcasts live! I have a some great episodes that I recorded last year which I'll start releasing this month. 


And if you want to start your own I have something coming for you at the end of the month. 


Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. 


Sending love

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