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Which one are you?

Valerie, Evelyn or Clover?

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I have a signature workshop on ‘Radical Marketing’ which helps you to find your personalised soulful strategy to doing marketing your way. 
As part of it I introduce and talk through different personas that we unknowingly take on as business owners when it comes to our marketing approach. 
Pull up a chair and let me give you a quick summary of each:
Firstly, there’s ‘Vanilla Valerie’ this looks like being GENERIC, NONDESCRIPT AND FORGETTABLE. Trying to be liked by everyone and so speaking to everyone and therefore resonating with exactly no-one. Often ‘Vanilla Valerie’ is pushing down her true self and instead hiding behind what she perceives as being a more palatable but sadly (for her and others) diluted and dull version of who they are really are.
Then there’s ‘Everywhere Evelyn’ who is SPREADING HERSELF WAY TOO THIN. They are doing A LITTLE BIT OF THIS AND A LITTLE BIT OF THAT but not really giving anything a chance. This is due to 1) FOMO 2) succumbing to the pressure to do all the things and believing it has to be super hard 3) not finding what feels aligned to them. Often this person is forcing their round peg self into a square hole, turning their back on what actually feels good for what they ‘think’ they ‘should’ be doing. Usually because everyone else is doing it or they’ve heard various experts all shouting very loudly about their formulas and the conflicting advice leaves her confused AF. ‘Everywhere Evelyn’s’ then respond by spreading their bets, flitting from thing to thing and feeling really bloody tired.
And finally there’s ‘Closed Shop Clover’ who is simply NOT OPEN FOR BUSINESS. They are the best kept secret of their industry and come in a few different flavours. Maybe creating offerings but never actually putting them out there or making it near impossible for people to find them. Maybe they just haven’t turned over their ‘open for business’ sign as they’re stuck in the comfort of research mode/learning mode (I see you lifelong learners 👀) or using creating a new thing as a way to swerve the marketing or when sales aren’t coming after sending precisely one email and/or posting 1 social media post. Or it could be that they are simply closed physically and energetically to selling and serving.
Whichever persona you identify with and its ok if its a medley of all of them, what I know for sure is that there is always more happening below the surface then the headline persona’s can account for.
Ok so vulnerable share… I’ve been a ‘Closed Shop Clover’ over the last 2 years. And I’ve been that with you specifically. Amazing, ambitious, creative individuals like yourself who are leading full lives and want more ease, joy and intention. It pains me to say it but the reality is that I haven’t invited you to work with me with any real vim or intention for a long time.
To be fair, I haven’t been sitting on the sofa twiddling my thumbs either, my energy has been going elsewhere from the awesomely aligned corporate work I was able to grow, to the wonderfully passionate private coaching and supervision clients who found their way to me and then of course the biggie, my soul-crushing divorce shenanigans.
The reasons behind my ‘Closed Shop Clover-ness’ was a lack of capacity. In addition, my personal safety felt compromised and so professional visibility poked at my already jacked-up nervous system putting me further into a threat response which is not conducive to me being ‘out there’.
The marketing persona’s I’ve shared with you raise awareness of our behaviour and this is massively helpful in revealing what is lying in plain sight but its when we get deeper into the why’s and how’s that we begin to find a way through.
This is the kind of work we can get into in ROOTED, together.
Given ALL of this, it feels even more of a milestone to be at the place where I’m opening up enrollment to ROOTED and putting up a big old ‘open for business’ invitation to come in and work me.
Find out more and sign up here.
Sending love, 
Nicola X x 

Thanks for being here!

I'm Nicola Rae and I coach, write and teach for a living. My approach is values-led and compassion-centered and I coach the whole person rather than the problem. My body of work inspires, guides and supports big-hearted creatives and purpose-driven humans to let go of perfection and performing so they can speak-up and show-up with heart. My work builds a culture around coaching being for the many and not the few and it spans the spectrum of working with individuals and organisations united by social mission. 
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