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Don’t Let the Economy Hold Back Your Marketing Opportunities

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Keep Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy Going Strong: 8 Key Factors for Success

Hi -, 

We understand that navigating the current economic climate can be tough for businesses like yours. With global inflation expected to reach 6.6% in 2023, consumers are rethinking how and where they spend their money. As a result, brands who want to thrive in our current economy need to be agile and forward-thinking. 

We’ve pulled together a few essential resources to help you thrive (even in a down economy):

Keep Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy Going Strong: 8 Key Factors for Success
Key Factors for Affiliate Marketing Success In Our Current Economy

Eight key factors for success to keep your affiliate marketing strategies strong and fortify partner relationships. 


2023 Trends: Recession-Proof Your Partnership Marketing Strategy
Recession-Proof Your Partnership Marketing Strategy

ICYMI: Watch our free, on-demand webinar for ways to recession-proof your marketing mix and consumer behavior shifts to look out for. 


While the pandemic and current economy have caused a significant shift in consumer behavior, brands can still drive success through affiliate and partnership marketing. 

When you put your trusted in an agency partner like Acceleration Partners, our team commits to helping your brand stay ahead of global trends and opportunities. Our clients’ success is always our top priority. 

Don't let the current economic climate hold you back. Act now and recession-proof your marketing strategy with Acceleration Partners. 


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