Get access to all your favorite entertainment from SiriusXM to enjoy in your rental vehicle and on the SiriusXM app – from ad-free music, talk and sports, to comedy, news, podcasts and more. When making your rental reservation, select SiriusXM on the “Add Extras” page.
Alamo Insiders members are guaranteed at least a 5% discount on pay later retail rates in the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean. Discount applies only to the base rate charge (time and mileage) and does not apply to applicable taxes, fees, surcharges, refueling, drop-off, delivery, youthful driver, additional driver, pick up, or one way charges or any optional product or service (such as optional damage waiver of $50 or less per day), which are the responsibility of the Renter. When a promotional rate is available that surpasses 5% off base rates of pay later reservations, you will automatically receive the promotional rate instead of the percentage discount.
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