If your site has Logo/Site Title - Button only, no navigation. You can use this code (Website > Website Tools > Custom CSS) to to hide burger and make button appears on mobile.
this is such a good widget because when you compare to others that are on the market they can cost a BUNCH! Thank you ES for being mindful of what the market needs!
There is a “lazy load” feature where the JS does not load until the widget is scrolled up into the viewport for most widgets. This has a substantial help for page speed. There are posts about it here, and most of the widgets use this automatically as part of the install code.
#1. Which boxes are you referring to? I just had a quick look the homepage of www.bdc.ca/en and all are possible to build in Squarespace.
Some things are simple, you just need to post the problem in this thread, I can help. For more difficult problems I will consider charge a fee. #2. In forum there is a private chat. You can click on my avatar >> You will see a Message button.
Hi User, and welcome to the forum. You’ve posed a great question so hang in there. The Staff will get you taken care of as soon as they get back from their weekend rest. We’re glad you’re here.