Trading in financial markets is not easy. There are many things you have to know before investing responsibly in the financial markets, as there are numerous different assets, asset classes, and financial know-how to acquire. It takes a smart investor to know when to open and close positions and what every smart investor needs is up-to-date comprehensive market insights.
Equipped with the right tools, an experienced investor can find new opportunities regardless of market conditions. Here are some tools on the eToro platform that can help you make the right decisions.
eToro Trading Academy
eToro’s Trading Academy is your one-stop shop for education and information on financial markets, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader. We offer a wide range of learning tools (videos, tutorials, and more) along with simple and clear guides to help you learn about social trading and how to take advantage of the financial markets.
The News Feed is an interactive feature on eToro, which captures the essence of the wisdom of the crowd. On the News Feed, you can ask questions and start discussions with other eToro users. You can learn a lot about different markets, and study the trading strategies of our Popular Investors, simply by scrolling through the News Feed.
With so much information available online, sifting through all the noise can be quite challenging. With the eToro blog, you can stay on top of your trading and investing with all the latest news, daily recaps and updates, all in one place.