BOGO half off / Why we don’t use maltitol
You can feel extra great right now when you buy a box of FitJoy bars on our website--you’ll get another box for 50% off! View this email in your browser What’s maltitol, you ask? It’s a popular sugar alcohol used as a sweetener in many bars to cut calories and sugar content. So why don’t we use maltitol in our protein bars? Because it’s been known to cause a whole range of stomach issues. When you buy FitJoy, you can rest assured that it’s free of maltitol, because we believe a protein bar should make your day better, not worse! Speaking of making your day better, right now it’s buy one get one half off on boxes of FitJoy bars when you buy on our website using code BOGOJOY. Carry on and get some joy! Use coupon code: BOGOJOY at checkout to redeem S H O P ! You're getting this email because you signed up for FitJoy news, offers, and content. Questions? Comments? Just want to share some love? Contact us at 866-216-3614 or [email protected] (M-F, 9AM-8PM US CT). © Copyright 2017 FitJoy. All rights reserved., Nutrabolt, 3891 S. Traditions Drive, Bryan, TX 77807, USA This email was sent to why did I get this? unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences FitJoy · 720 Brazos Street · 10th Floor · Austin, Texas 78701 · USA
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