NEW FLAVOR! + Take 10% off!
10% off on when you try our NEW FLAVOR, Cookie Dough Brownie! View this email in your browser Thanks for being a subscriber! As an exclusive perk for being a member of the FitJoyFam, we want you to take a special 10% off your entire order on when you purchase our NEW FLAVOR, Cookie Dough Brownie! It’s a spoonful of gooey cookie dough on top, and rich, fluffy brownie on the bottom. Use code NEWFLAVOR10 at checkout to redeem! S H O P !'re getting this email because you signed up for FitJoy news, offers, and content. Questions? Comments? Just want to share some love? Contact us at 866-216-3614 or [email protected] (M-F, 9AM-8PM US CT). © Copyright 2017 FitJoy. All rights reserved., FitJoy, 500 San Marcos St, Austin, Tx, 78702 USA This email was sent to why did I get this? unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences FitJoy · 720 Brazos Street · 10th Floor · Austin, Texas 78701 · USA
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