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Staying fun in the Sun! Ticks & Fleas

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Grooming Advice: Staying fun in the sun!
Ticks & Fleas
Ah, the delights of summer - evening strolls with your dog, weekend naps in the sun and unfortunately, the return of annoying ticks. Despite their small size, ticks can pose a real threat to both humans and pets. Tehri ability to jump long distances makes your pet an east target when enjoying the outdoors.
Ticks usually peak in the warmer months of summer, so it is important for both you and your dog to be familiar with regular and routine protection - How to prevent ticks & fleas:
Topical Treatments   Topical treatments are applied to the pets skin and can provide a month or more of protection against fleas and ticks  Oral Medications  These medications are administered by mouth or in food either monthly or three monthly and can work to kill fleas and ticks at various life stages.  Tick Collars  Tick collars are infused with chemicals that kill ticks and fleas, providing another layer of defence, especially for pets that spend a lot of time outdoors or in high-risk areas. They are popular for summer camping trips to provide extra protection.  Vacuum Regularly  This can help remove fleas, ticks, and their eggs from your home. Pay special attention to hidden nooks and pet resting areas.  Wash Bedding  Regularly wash your pets bedding in hot water to kill any pests.  Flea Traps  These can help control an indoor infestation, but make sure to follow the instructions carefully.  Keep Your Lawn Trimmed  Short grass leaves fewer places for ticks to hide.
How to Check for Ticks and Fleas In-Between Grooms Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect your dog for ticks and fleas, especially after they have been outside in areas where these parasites are prevalent. Focus on areas where ticks and fleas are likely to hide, such as:
Inside and behind the ears, Around the neck, Between the toes, Under the armpits, Around the tail and groin area
If you find a tick on your dog, remove it promptly and safely using the OTOM Tick Twister. Firstly, trim the hair around the tick if required. Insert the tick twister underneath and twist upward with steady, even pressure. Clean the bite area with Active silver antiseptic spray and wash your hands thoroughly. Dispose of the tick by placing it in alcohol, sealing it in a bag, or flushing it down the toilet.
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