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The Promise of America

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The Promise of America

Dear Friends,
I appreciate the heartfelt, thoughtful comments and observations about my “Soul of a Brand” letter that I shared last week. As I enter my post-Starbucks life once and for all, I am hopeful the themes and experiences that resonate with so many of you as partners, alumni, and long-term customers spread within and beyond our company. For years, we tried our best to honor the importance of nurturing each other, selfless/servant leadership, and the trust that comes from words being put into action.  
Eight years ago, at the Starbucks Annual Meeting of Shareholders, I shared the video and message above, reflecting on the timeless words of Robert F. Kennedy at a time of chaos and peril heading into the 2016 election. I posed a rhetorical question to the audience: “What is the role and responsibility of all of us as citizens?”  
I share this message once again with a new generation of Starbucks Partners and like-minded Americans who want a better future. We must all stay optimistic and vigilant. Creating opportunity accessible to all and knowing that each of us, every day, have a choice to help and inspire one another. These are the relationships and actions that can lead to real change, community by community. Thank you for watching.

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