We love to bring you the hottest trends to hit email marketing and it’s that time of year again. While you may see some 2021 trends sticking around to make a bigger impact, new trends such as hyper-personalization, interactivity, and AI-powered conversational messaging are here to shake things up in 2022. Consider these trends when reviewing your strategy and you’re sure to impress your customers and build more powerful bonds.
Fun fact: Retaining just 5% of your customer base can increase profits by 25%. Perhaps customer relationship management (CRM) should be called customized retention marketing instead. Why? Because CRMs have the power to combine all user data (we’re talking webpage visits, email engagement, demographics, and much more) as the single source of truth for your company. In this definitive guide, we'll break down the importance of CRM systems, how to implement it into your ongoing strategy, and help you choose one that’s right for you.
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