why choose cruelty-free products?
reasons to choose cruelty-free products before the year ends... WORLDWIDE SHIPPING view email in your browser ~shop read! about Why Choose Cruelty-Free Products? Reasons to choose cruelty-free products before the year ends. ~ There are other better ways for companies to carry out their tests rather than animals, and when combining markets that demands for animal testing by law is solely dependent on their decision. Lots of companies who have made intentional decisions to stay out of the manufacturing of cruelty-free products to uphold their cruelty-free status. And here are the reasons why you should choose cruelty-free products before this year ends. Animal Testing Is Needless The motive responsible for animal testing is to ascertain that discoveries, products, and ingredients are harmless and safe for the consumption of human. Long ago animal testing came into existence when drugs ingested started having a toxic effect on humans, so since then many tests and experiment have been carried out, and the result of each test are being recorded for future purposes so as not to repeat the experiment. Furthermore, there are lots of ingredients available that don't require animal testing. There Are Cruelty-Free Products Available There are lots of companies who have been abiding by the decision they made, so over the years, there are indefinite great, autonomous companies that are producing goods that do not contain ingredients that are by-products of animals or companies that do not participate in animal testing. Lots of popular brands and companies have made a solemn promise not to try out their products on animals via news and videos on the internet, so you have nothing to lose if you change to products that are cruelty-free. Your Pets Are Used Dogs and cats are used most times. These pets are usually used for medical tests and experiments, statistics done sometime in 2013 shows that 67,772 dogs and 24,221 cats were used for animal testing experiments only in the United States of America. Amidst the breed of dogs used for animal testing, the rate at which Beagles are being used is very alarming due to their submissive nature. These animals are being bereaved of the regular treatment pets should have; instead, they are being treated like laboratory animals. For a healthy-looking skin We always need to remember that our skin is the largest organ and it also absorbs everything we put on it, so we need to take good care of our skin. Whenever you check out the ingredients on the label of a product, and you see an ingredient that can cause harm to your liver or spleen, think of the adverse effect it will have on your skin. Most of the cruelty-free products contain harmless and natural ingredients which won't cause much harm to your skin compared to products that contain harmful chemicals and parabens. Be Good And Feel Good By now, you should know you can make great and good decisions on the choice of products to use and also to make an incredible impact on animals all over the world. Companies who still stand to test on animals are making cruel choices which we've decided not to be a part of. Why? Because Choosing cruelty-free products are one of the most significant ways of opposing animal testing while giving you a healthier and better-looking skin. SEE ALL PRODUCTS ~ COMBO TIME Get the perfect combination products for a price of 1! Get a cleanser + a moisturizer use your coupon code at the check-out page: ddreams this email was sent you are receiving this email because you opted in at our website you can unsubscribe from this list or manage your subscription preferences © 2018 meta~pora.