"We can't let it happen again. We can't let the gun lobby get away with it. Not when your community -- your bowling alley, your bar, your house of worship, your movie theater, your supermarket, your shopping mall, your workplace and, yes, your child's school -- could be next. Unless we take action to adopt smart and common-sense gun laws, the question isn't whether another massacre will occur -- only how soon. And sadly, we know the answer: very soon."
America has fallen into an all-too familiar pattern with mass shootings: An outpouring of grief, concerns, and frustration from all sides, followed by a concerted and well-funded effort to prevent common-sense changes that could save lives. "That's what the gun lobby wants us to keep doing -- offering 'thoughts and prayers' but doing nothing."
"Not this time," Mike writes. This is a critical moment, and there are some indications that America's usual pattern can be broken. That includes the bold shift in position from Congressman Jared Golden, who represents a rural district in Maine, and came forward to publicly disavow his previous opposition to an assault weapons ban. Congressman Golden's stance is a hopeful sign, and could inspire others to reverse course and call for common-sense solutions. But to help make that happen, more of us need to step up.
"There is no reason any civilian needs to carry a military-grade rifle. It's not a hunting weapon," writes Mike. "It's a weapon designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible." Join the Everytown for Gun Safety campaign to reinstate a federal ban on assault weapons. Tell Congress that weapons of war have no business being on our streets and in our communities.
"In the days and weeks ahead, it's crucial for all of us to make our voices heard and demand that elected officials who have opposed sensible gun regulations follow Representative Golden in reversing course," writes Mike. "And when politicians offer only thoughts and prayers, counter with deeds and votes. It's the only way out of this insanity."