The indictment of a former president -- happening today as Donald Trump faces an array of criminal charges for mishandling classified documents -- marks a sad moment in American history.
And while it's also a "necessary moment of truth and accountability," as Mike writes in an op-ed published this morning, "even for his staunchest opponents, it should be nothing to celebrate."
"The facts of the case… are deeply disturbing -- and extraordinarily dangerous," writes Mike. "On leaving office, Trump took 'scores of boxes' with him that he was not authorized to possess. They contained highly classified files on (among other things) nuclear programs, weapons capabilities, US military vulnerabilities and plans for retaliation after a foreign attack."
The former president is also accused of extensive efforts to prevent authorities from recovering and securing classified documents: "As the government tried to intervene, Trump lied and dissembled at every step."
Trump's allies may claim that the case represents "overzealous prosecution or partisan hardball," but the egregious misconduct outlined in the charges left prosecutors little choice, despite the risks.
Today's indictment puts the nation at a crossroads.
Charging Donald Trump affirms an important truth: no one is above the law, not even a former president and front-running candidate for the highest office in the land. But it also sets America on a collision course with potentially grim political realities.