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MYKU •10 must-know facts about International Women’s day 🙋10 MUST-KNOW FACTS ABOUT INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY James Brown sang, ‘It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World – that might have been the case during his time, but today, to quote the Spice Girls, it’s about ‘Girl Power!’. While International Women’s Day (IWD) is not an official holiday around the world, woman of the 21stcentury are in power, influential and independent. Taking a look at the world’s most influential people, may it be Angela Merkel, Christine Lagarde or Melinda Gates, these are just a few of the women in charge who have made great impact, economically, politically and socially. As a tribute to all the women in the world, MYKU came up with this amazing list of facts everybody should know when it comes to International Women’s Day: 10. STAND UP FOR HER RIGHTS! Women’s day was declared for the first time in New York on February 28, 1909 by the Socialist Party of America in a demonstration for women’s equality in rights and pay. In 1917, Soviet Russia granted women the right to vote and March 8 became the national holiday to celebrate women (China did so in 1922). In 1975, finally, the United Nations adopted IWD as a holiday. 9. EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE! In 2018, it is estimated that 66 million girls and women do not have access to a school-education according to the United Girls Education Initiative.Educated women will be more likely to send their children to school and moreover, an extra year of education can help a girl to earn 15-25% more as an adult. 8. RESPECT HER WORK! Originally, IWD was called International Working Women’s day in order to acknowledge not only the working women, but even more the hard work women had to put in fighting for their social and political rights. Women make on average 20% less than men for the same work across industries and won’t reach equity until 2059 in the current economic situation. 7. TAKE HER BREAK! IWD is an official holiday in more than 25 countries around the world. In some countries, such as China and Nepal, women enjoy a day off on IWD while men have to work. 6. #BALANCEFORBETTER Every year, the UN sets a theme for women’s year. In 2018 it was ‘Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives'. The mission is to draw attention to a current cause to support and improve the lives of women. This year is about a more balanced gender world. 5. A DAY WITHOUT A WOMAN To set a mark to the truly important significance of IWD, US protesters organized a strike held on March 8, 2017, to protest against the policies of the Trump Administration. They are asked not to take up any paid or unpaid work to demonstrate how much a contribution women make to the world and what happens if women go on strike. 4. WOMEN ARE SMARTER THAN MEN! Even though not directly related to IWD, we had to include this one. The two highest IQ scores ever recorded in history belong to women. In fact, Dr. Grace Hopper, a computer scientist invented the first user-friendly computer software in the 1950s. Ironically, she was the first woman who won the Computer Science Man of the Year Award in 1969. 3. WONDER WOMEN Wonder Woman was the first superhero film with a female character as the lead. Besides a great performance by the amazing Gal Gadot, Wonder Woman was the highest grossing film directed by a woman. However, of all the top grossing films in 2017, women just represented 8% of directors and 10% of writers, despite the fact that women make up 52% of all movie goers! 2. VOICE OUT! Women speak about 20,000 words a day on average, men only 7,000 words. Given the significant difference and the fact that women are generally with a stronger sense of empathy, science shows that when it comes to presentation and public speaking women are more powerful. 1. SHE FOR PRESIDENT! In 1960, Sirimavo Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka became the world’s first female elected head of state. Today, there are 20 female world leaders in power across 17 countries as head of government, head of state, or both. More than just political power, in 2018, there are 14 self-made female billionaires out of which 7 of them reside in China. Even though it is called International Women’s day, we are still far from INTERNATIONAL. Every year, hundreds of protests take place around the world, not only to celebrate women, but many of them to march for women’s rights. Equality is still not a given and those brave women and men who stand up for women’s rights need deserve all our support. Happy Women’s Day! Comment on this article Follow Us On Social Media Copyright © 2019 MYKU, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
MYKU •The not-so-romantic truth about Valentine's DayWhether you are celebrating or loathing this day of romance, check out our latest facts to learn the shocking truth about this cotton candy clouded... The Not-So-Romantic Truth About Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine’s Day, love is in the air! Whether you are celebrating or loathing this day of romance, check out our latest facts to learn the shocking truth about this cotton candy clouded holiday of all things cute, sweet and fluffy. Not to spoil your mood. We make sure you get the facts straight. * Our list will come in handy, if you run out of things to talk about on your Valentine’s date. (You’re welcome, thank us later.) Love whipped The origins of Valentine’s Day can be traced back to ancient Rome. Today, V-Day is all about roses, chocolates and cards. It was not rosy and a bit rougher back in the days. Traditionally in February, the Romans celebrated the festival of ‘Lupercalia’, which has been translated in many ways, mostly described as the festival of fertility or sexual license. The holiday honored ‘Lupercus’, the God of fertility and husbandry and the protector of the herds and crops. In Roman mythology, Lupercus was a mighty wolf hunter. People worshipped to him in order to keep the wolves away from their cattle and for a good harvest. During ‘Lupercalia’, male priests would sacrifice a goat and a dog on the Palatine Hill, where, according to Roman mythology, the baby twins Romulus and Remus where nursed by a wolf before they founded Rome. If you wondered where Rome got its name from, it was named after one of his founders. After sacrificing the animals, the priests would wear cloths made from the skins, smeared themselves with the animals’ blood and ran around the city. During the run, they would hit women with a februa, a type of whip made from goatskin. This unusual, and surely painful tradition was believed to purify women and enhance their fertility. The name of the month February derives from februa, translated as “means of purification”. Kinky Lucky Draw Beyond the goats and whipping, the ancient Romans came up with a particular kind of lucky draw, which was traditionally held on February 14. The names of young girls were written on small pieces of paper (Now you know why we send those cute “Be my Valentine cards”), which were then drawn by young men. If you think those couples would go on a romantic blind date, you are quite off. The lucky ‘couples’ would attend several parties and feasts together, where they would join in erotic games. We are not sure how many relationships came out of these ancient swinging one-night stands, but Romans practiced this ritual for centuries. (PS: Not to mention that these festivities were held with a lot of booze and everyone being naked.) Who is Valentine? Why do we call it Valentine’s day and who was this Valentine? First of all, there is not just one Valentine. According to ancient history, there were two, sometimes even three people, all named Valentine, who died gruesomely and became saints. On February 14 of the 3rdcentury A.D., the Roman emperor Claudius II ordered the execution of two men, both named Valentine. Later, the Catholic church honored these two by making them saints and declaring Feb14 as the day dedicated to St. Valentine. There are many stories about them, but most commonly, tales tell that one of the Valentines was a Roman priest. During the reign of emperor Claudius II, the Roman empire was losing many battles and the emperor thought if he forbids young couples to get married, the single young soldiers (men) would fight better and win more battles. Priest Valentine did not agree with that idea and kept on marrying young couples secretly until he was caught, imprisoned and ultimately killed. The Catholic church later made him the patron of love, couples and marriage. Curiously enough, he’s also the saint of the plague, epilepsy and beekeeping. If you are wondering what the stories of the other two Valentines are, not much is known about them. Business of Love After the fall of the Roman empire, this lusty, gruesome holiday was not widely celebrated anymore. Later and far away from Italy, Shakespeare and other famous British writers picked up Valentine’s day and started to romanticize its ideas and fueled its rebirth. Now much sweeter and without animal sacrifices or sexy lucky draws, the holiday became hugely popular again in Europe and people started to make paper cards for their loved ones in the Middle-ages. From Europe, the holiday spread across the Western world and became a big deal. Commercial Valentine’s day really kicked off in 1913, when Hallmark started to mass manufacture the first Valentine’s day cards. Today, Valentine’s day is a big day around the world, for couples and above all for the candy industry. According to the US National Confectioners Association, people will spend roughly a billion dollars on chocolate hearts and the likes. From a holiday of sacrifices and matchmaking, to a commercialized couples’ celebration, February 14 is a celebration of many kinds. Some call it SAD, or Single Awareness Day, where lonely hearts will dine alone and munch on chocolates they got for themselves. Others describe it as Bikini Wax Day, Clichéd Proposal Day or Raised Expectations Day. No matter what V-Day means for you, we hope you make the most of it! There is never a wrong time to love and treat yourself or your loved ones to something truly special. If you need some inspiration for great gifting ideas, MYKU got you covered with our latest collection of marvelous timepieces for him and her. Comment on this article Follow Us On Social Media Copyright © 2019 MYKU, All rights reserved. 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MYKU •Wishing you a very happy new year.✨ HAPPY NEW YEAR ✨ We hope that 2018 has been a wonderful year for you! As we are entering 2019, we also want to wish you a very happy new year and may all your resolutions come true! As MYKU turns 3 this year, we took a moment to look back at all the good things of 2018. We started off the year by launching our all-new 38mm collection of semi-precious stones, including the highly-anticipated Lapis Lazuli series . Upon popular demand, MYKU re-launched the Malachite series, which was once again, a big hit thanks to all of you. Later last year, we also introduced three new stones for the first time: Tiger Eye, Sardonyx and Howlite, further complementing MKYU’s varied offering of unique patterns and colours. Keeping up with your feedback, we launched the 32mm series, especially designed for our female customers. The smaller dial design and our special emblem etched on the back of each case received a great response and won the hearts of many of you. Give us a moment to tell you all how deeply we appreciate your continuous support for us! One of our key goals for the new year is to further boost our online experience ‘Build my MYKU’. We believe that by involving you into building your unique timepiece, you will love and treasure it even more. Beyond the timepiece, we created the stone glossary, featuring the history, facts and mythical legends of each stone for you to become more familiar and share them. We look forward to take on 2019 together with you! Thank you for your support and stay tuned as we got some great surprises line up this year just for you. Lots of love, Kuan & Francois Follow Us On Social Media Copyright © 2019 MYKU, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
MYKU •Season's Greetings 🎅🎄MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄 We would like to wish a merry Christmas to all of you; customers, friends, family and partners. Thanks for celebrating another year with us. Warmest regards, Follow Us On Social Media Copyright © 2018 MYKU, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
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MYKU •Black Friday. Black Onyx.Black Friday preview. Black Friday. View this in your browser Dear MYKU Club, As a subscriber of the newsletter, you get the preview first. Black Friday, Black Onyx. Enjoy right now 20% off on 20 selected timepieces only. Enter BFCM18 at checkout. Below are the selected Black Onyx watches eligible for the offer. Happy viewing, Black Onyx Gold. Black Onyx Rose Gold. Black Onyx Space Black. Black Onyx Stainless Steel. Copyright © 2018 MYKU, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.