Short and sweet this month!
Let’s start with a big thank you for voting Latitude 44 Sports (and by extension, Stand on Liquid) Central Oregon’s Best Outdoor Gear Shop — Runner Up. As the relatively new guys on the outdoor gear block, we’re honored to have grown into a place you like to buy and sell gear. Couldn’t do it without all of you!
Also of note:
As the paddling season nears its conclusion, it’s time to make room for next season’s gear. Swing by the shop and find up to 40% off on select inflatable and rigid stand up paddleboards. Note: we’re planning to begin our transition to winter approx mid September.
- Speaking of winter, we’re accepting consignment drop offs seven days a week: M-F: 10-6, Sat: 10-5, Sun: 10-4. Please make sure gear is in working order and apparel is laundered.
- And finally, with the temps beginning to dip, here’s a reminder that Lat 44 Sports offers Bend’s largest selection of new and used wetsuits. We’re here for all your neoprene needs!
The Crew at Lat 44 Sports