Treehouse Monthly: Bringing you updates from Team Treehouse 🗞️
Treehouse Monthly: November Issue
Hi there Treehouse student!
Welcome to the Treehouse newsletter! Once a month, we’ll give you the latest and greatest of new and helpful content. If you’re not already learning with us,sign up for a free trial and join the 1.2 million students across the globe who have taken Treehouse courses.
New Course Alert! React Router v6 Basics, Anyone?
More React? You got it! Learn to use React Router v6, a declarative routing solution for React, to manage navigation and rendering of components in your applications with JavaScript instructor Laura Coronel.
Need a refresher on other material we recently updated? Laura recently updated our React Components course to React version 18, with a focus on teaching you React components using React Hooks:
Founding a Startup? Learn the Basics in Our Entrepreneurship Track!
Starting a business can seem intimidating. Learn the fundamentals of entrepreneurship in our Learning Track, which covers starting and marketing a business as well as introductions to finance, data analysis, presenting, and more.
Interested in learning about modern software development, how third-party dependencies can kill your product, and how these risks can be mitigated? Jason Gilmore, CEO of Treehouse, joined Donnie Hasseltine, CEO of Packagecloud, a software package manager trusted by Fortune 500 companies, in a recent webinar to discuss.
The Treehouse job board includes job opportunities made available in conjunction with our partners. If your organization is running an apprenticeship program or offers opportunities for entry-level technologists, contact us at [email protected] to learn more about how you can let the Treehouse community know all about it.
Do you have questions about your Treehouse subscription or want to talk to an expert about what technologies are in demand today? Struggling to find your first job in tech or does your organization want to advertise job opportunities to the Treehouse community? Let’s chat—hit reply to this email!
We will never waver in our commitment to providing high-quality, low-cost technology instruction to anyone who wants to become a programmer or designer.
Thank you for being part of the Treehouse community!
Treehouse Island, Inc., 9450 Southwest Gemini Drive, PMB 90505, Beaverton, OR 97008, United States