Originally known as the Institute for Women and Technology (IWT), non-profit organization AnitaB.org was founded in 1997 by Dr. Anita Borg as a digital community for women in computing. Today, AnitaB.org envisions a future where the people who imagine and build technology mirror the people and societies for whom they build it.
AnitaB.org is working toward making sure that everyone has a seat at the table when it comes to innovation and technological advancement. An important way AnitaB.org is accomplishing this goal is by offering pathways for those who have been historically overlooked in tech to get into their first tech role. In partnership with Team Treehouse and Intuit, AnitaB.org offers the Apprenticeship Pathway Program, increasing the representation of underrepresented communities in the tech industry.
Learners receive a competitive wage as well as full-time training through Treehouse’s Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree program and AnitaB.org’s Leadership Development curriculum. Once a Learner successfully completes the Techdegree final exam, they convert to Apprentice, moving on to learn Intuit-specific development processes. After achieving the final program milestones, the Apprentice can convert to a full-time job as a software developer at Intuit.
Best of luck to the current cohort of 30 Learners in the Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree program. The future of tech has never been brighter!
If you or someone you know is looking to launch a career in tech, AnitaB.org is currently accepting applications for its San Diego Cohort! Apply by June 27, 2022.
To find out how Treehouse’s Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree program can change your life, start your free trial today!