Great Investment Finds Forum--Learn about THREE hot companies...all Trucrowd Clients?
Every Tuesday night, in partnership with Cshoptv, we will reveal exactly how you find great companies to invest in "before" the valuation goes through the roof.
Our thirteenth forum will describe three companies that have all worked with Trucrowd. Learn how they started and progressed. Discover what makes them the hot companies that they are today. The stories will surprise you.
Once again, TruCrowd and Cshoptv have partnered to provide important information about the field of small and medium-sized business funding.
By the way, no investment advice will be provided during these forums.
Date: 1 February 2022 Time: 8 PM EST
25 January 2022 Forum Webinar Recording
Great Investment Finds event recording--hot high tech innovator reals all
Listen in to RaidaTech's Sean Worthington who talks about how he is getting his investors serious liquidity through a totally unique approach. You also learn what sets him apart.
Vincent Petrescu, CEO
TruCrowd Funding, Inc