DMCA Takedown Request

If you believe someone is using your copyrighted content in an unauthorized way on Milled, please fill out the form below to submit a DMCA takedown notice to request that the content be changed or removed. Before you begin, please read Milled's DMCA Takedown Policy.

Our DMCA takedown process is intended only for copyrighted content. If the content you're reporting is regarding private information, please refer to the Privacy Policy. If the content violates a trademark you own, please contact Milled Support.

If you have attachments or would prefer to submit your notice via email or snail mail, please contact us to manually submit your complaint. While including attachments is supported, we do require direct, working links to reported content.

Your contact information

Your copyrighted work

What emails or images do you want removed?

Your Confirmations and Signature

By checking each of these boxes, you affirm:
Are you sure?

Lists help you organize the brands that you care about. Your lists are private to you.