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Channel the fire within

The Solar Plexus chakra encourages you to take risks

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The Solar Plexus chakra encourages you to take risks
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Psychic Encounters
Channel Your Inner Self - All About The Solar Plexus Chakra
*Phone and chat readings are $0.99/min. Video readings are $1.99/min.
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This week, we're getting to the very core of who you see yourself as. The Solar Plexus chakra, associated with fire, is located between your sternum and belly button. It is your source of self-worth, willpower, and ego. This chakra encourages you to stay focused on your path and to pursue it with confidence.

So, how do you know if your Solar Plexus chakra is blocked? And more importantly, what should you do if it is?

Blocked Solar
Plexus Chakra
Unblocking Your
Solar Plexus Chakra
•  Fatigue and laziness •  Burn Manipura incense
•  Lack of control, overindulgence •  Carry Solar Plexus chakra healing crystals (amber, sunstone, yellow asper)
•  Insecure and unassertive or an inflated ego •  Using self-acceptance affirmations
•  Bad at enforcing boundaries •  Essential oils like (chamomile, lemon, ginger)
Your Solar Plexus chakra is responsible for your ability to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and others. Get attuned to the chakra that helps strengthen your sense of self with the help of our psychics.
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Burbank, CA 91505

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©2020 Psychic Encounters, LLC. For entertainment only. Must be at least 18 years old.
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